The Best Thrillers on Amazon Prime Right Now

Man, Amazon Prime is ruthless about taking good movies off of their streaming movies list. I swear as soon as I add a good movie to Amazon streaming movies they remove it the next day. At least I know that Netflix removes good movies because the contract they had with the movie owner ran out. I can't seem to figure out why Amazon streaming video is removing some of the best movies they have on the site.

I will say that Amazon streaming video on Amazon Prime has picked up their quality lately. I am seeing more and more movies on there that are worthy of my list and that's a step in the right direction. Though we made it through November with a few additions to the thriller category on the Amazon streaming service, I'm hoping that 2018 will be an even better year for the genre.

Here are the best movies on Amazon Prime in the thriller category. Amazon seems to randomly take movies off of their Amazon streaming service at will so make sure to catch these titles while you can.


If you're looking for one of the best thrillers on Amazon Prime right now, look no further than Predestination. I really think Ethan Hawke has been making some great under the radar movies in the last few years. I actually had never even heard of Predestination when it first came out. In a way, it's kind of like a new version of Time Cop. You remember Time Cop with Jean Claude Van Dam?? I actually loved that movie as a kid. Great stuff. But Predestination fits into the same category because it is the story of a cop traveling through time to catch an infamous criminal who has been eluding him his whole career. Predestination has the feeling of an old-fashioned crime novel mixed with new age science fiction. A lot of people had a hard time wrapping their heads around this movie and I don't blame them. If you aren't careful Predestination will drive you a little crazy trying to put the pieces together. This will probably be the trippiest movie you see this year. I really hope Amazon Prime doesn't take this off of Amazon streaming movies anytime soon because you really need to see *Predestination. I'll go ahead and say it's my favorite movie on this list of the best thrillers on Amazon Prime right now. I say that because it's the type of movie that you won't mind watching more than once to see all the stuff you missed.

The Girl With All The Gifts

The Girl With All The Gifts was actually the first movie I added to my Amazon streaming movies list. It's about a little girl who is one of a handful of children that may hold the key to curing a devastating illness plaguing mankind. What separates The Girl With All the Gifts from most other zombie movies is that it has a lot of imagination in a genre that is just filled with the same old stuff. The Girl With All The Gifts boasts a strong cast with the little girl stealing the show. I can say with confidence that I don't think you've seen a zombie movie like this. What's interesting to note, and what I've found to be true most of the time, is that British zombie movies are much better than American ones. Think of something like World War Z versus 28 Days Later. If you've seen both, you definitely know which one was more gruesome and had superior acting. Who knows, maybe the British have managed to take over the genre. This British movie is definitely near the top of the list of thriller movies on the Amazon streaming service. The Girl With All The Gifts was removed from Amazon streaming movies a few months ago but now it's back to Amazon streaming video. Make sure to take advantage of it while it's here.


Room is an exceptionally dark movie but it still deserves to be considered one of the best thrillers on Amazon Prime. Without giving too much away, it's the story of a woman held captive in a small room with her son. As the story unfolds, you really start to get a painful realization of what the movie is about. Room is not going to be one of those sad movies that make you cry but it is one of the few movies on Amazon streaming movies that can fill you with a sense of dread knowing that stuff like this exists in the world. I guess Room is just one of those depressing movies in a way. If you're a fan of serial killer movies, Room will resonate with you in the worst way. I have always been very interested in the true-life crime of serial killers but seeing it played out so realistically in a movie is a little tough to sit through sometimes. It's not that Room is boring, it's just because the empathy is so much more real. Room is not a completely depressing movie on Amazon Prime though. It is actually a story of survival, strength, and rehabilitation. You won't be disappointed watching this on Amazon movie streaming.

Green Room

Green Room continues to be my favorite horror on Amazon Prime streaming, but like many good horrors, it also falls into the category of the best thriller on Amazon Prime right now. Green Room is the story of a small-time punk band deciding to do a show for a group of neo-nazis. A funny thing about Green Room is that there's nothing to really warn you about the extreme violence you are about to witness. Sure, we all know that neo-nazis are vile human beings, but Green Room takes it to a whole other level. This is the most violent movie on Amazon streaming movies by far. When I access movies, the first thing I look for is good acting and Green Room has that. The next thing I look for is that the movie fits into the genre it claims to be in. Green Room is absolutely a thriller but the extreme violence also makes it one of the better horror movies I've seen in recent memory. I am a gore hound myself but this movie was actually pretty shocking at times. I don't want to give too much away, but if you're in the mood to see some bloody excitement, then Green Room is the best pick for you on Amazon streaming movies.

Like I mentioned at the start, it's becoming harder and harder to keep up with the Amazon streaming service these days. Each time I add a good movie to Amazon streaming video another great one gets taken off. If for any reason you are not already an Amazon Prime member, make sure to try an Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial here. I really think Amazon streaming movies are getting better and better every year and it would be a shame for you to miss out on what they have to offer. Make sure to check back here for all my updates on Amazon streaming movies and if you need to find the best movies on Netflix too, you can always check out the homepage for the latest and greatest movies Netflix has to offer.